Present and past thesis projects under my supervision:

Nikolaus MayerNikolaus Mayer: Globale Explorationsstrategien (German)

This thesis analyzes the effects of globally directed exploration on a learning agent's performance. We introduce the BELT growing-batch algorithm which, for the first time, employs a learning procedure to create an independent policy for exploration itself. Compared to undirected and locally directed exploration, we find global exploration to accelerate the learning of good policies.

Bachelor Thesis, finished 09/2011, PDF
Student Title Completion Type
Arne Voigtländer Deep Reinforcement Learning on Real Systems finished 07/2010 Master Thesis
Andreas Witsch (Uni Kassel) Policy Gradient Methods finished 06/2010 Diplomarbeit
Tobias Springenberg Machine Learning on Massively Parallel Architectures - A Case Study finished 09/2009 Bachelor Thesis
Philipp Blohm Beurteilung von Stärken und Schwächen von neuroevolutionären Verfahren zum Einsatz im Bereich des Reinforcement Learnings finished 10/2008 Bachelor Thesis
Christian Müller Reinforcement-Lernen mit Pac-Man finished 03/2007 Bachelor Thesis
Sebastian Schnock Implementation und Evaluation von Neuroevolution in CLS finished 07/2007 Bachelor Thesis
Hussain Iqbal Evolutionary Algorithm using neuro-evolutionary techniques in dynamic environment finished 08/2007 Master Thesis
Michael Wiegand (FH Karlsruhe)Vorhersage der Bewegung eines autonomen Roboters finished 03/2007 externe Diplomarbeit
Tim Kitzmann View-Based Object Recognition: A Biologically Motivated Approach using iGRLVQ finished 12/2006 Bachelor Thesis
Andrea Albrecht Erkennung und Klassifizierung von Objekten mit Neuronalen Netzen finished 09/2007 Bachelor Thesis
Srinivas Gudipally Survey: Approaches of Artificial Intelligence with the focus on Machine Learning within the RoboCup domain finished 8/2006 Master Thesis
Andreas G. Nie RoboPECS - Autonome Fußballfans im RoboCup Entwicklung eines Multiagentensystems zur Simulation von Fußballfans finished 7/2005 Magisterarbeit