Open Source Initiative CLSquare

CLSquare: Closed Loop Simulation System

CLS2 (pronounced: clsquare) provides a standardized framework for testing (not only) Reinforcement Learning controllers on a (growing) number of different plants.


Screenshot of the cart pole plant

Current plants:

Current controllers:

Supported Platforms

The software is developed and tested under:

Basic requirements:

Each module that has special requirements will report them during installation if they are missing.


The latest software release can be downloaded from here.


  1. Get a fresh copy of CLS2
  2. Unpack the source code
    • tar xzf clsquare.tgz
  3. Compile the program
    • mkdir build
    • cd build
    • cmake ..
    • make install


The most recent manual is included in the source package. For convenience reasons, you can find the manual here, too: CLSquare Manual v4.0

In addition, documentation for the available modules can be generated using Doxygen by typing make doc in the program's build folder.


Researchers contributing to this project:


For more information on this research project, please contact Martin Riedmiller.