Reinforcement Controllers in Technical Applications


The idea of Reinforcment Learning controllers in feedback control loops is extremely attractive: The designer only specifies the target value(s) - the controlling agent learns to fulfill this goal incrementally from the experience of success or failure. With the approach of using neural networks as the basis of such a reinforcement learning agent, we could show that these controllers are able to successfully learn in very complex and nonlinear control situations.


  • M. Riedmiller and R. Schoknecht. Einsatzmoeglichkeiten neuronaler Regler im Automobilbereich. Diploma thesis, Proceedings of the VDI-GMA Aussprachetag 1998, Berlin, March 19
  • M. Riedmiller. High quality thermostat control by reinforcement learning - a case study. Proceedings of the Conald Workshop 1998, Carnegie-Mellon-University, 1998.


For more information on this research project, please contact Martin Riedmiller.