Seventh International Workshop on Guided Self-Organization

The University of Freiburg is pleased to host the 7th International Workshop on Guided Self-Organisation

in collaboration with BrainLinks - BrainTools, December 16-18, 2014.

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GSO-2014 Program

Tuesday, Dec 16th 2014

Wednesday, Dec 17th 2014

Thursday, Dec 18th 2014

Self-organised embodied systems and information theory

Complex networks, swarms, and morphogenesis

Networks and GSO theory


Opening Remarks


Ralf Der,

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig

Guided self-organization of sensorimotor contingencies

Ulrich Egert,

University of Freiburg

Emergence of structure-function relations in biological neuronal networks

Herbert Jaeger,

Jacobs University, Bremen

Shaping the Dynamics of Recurrent Neural Networks by Conceptors






Georg Martius and Ralf Der,

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig

Guided Self-Organization of Behavioral Repertoires and Emerging Gaits

BrainLinks-BrainTools Session - Active stimulation for modulation of complex network activity

Claudius Gros and Rodrigo Echeveste,

Goethe University Frankfurt

Guiding self-organization by combining distinct objective functions


Simón C. Smith, Athanasios Polydoros and J. Michael Herrmann,

University of Edinburgh

Internal Models for Self-Organised Robotic Behaviour

Heiko Hamann and Gabriele Valentini,

University of Paderborn, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Micro-Macro Links for Self-Organizing Collective Systems: From Local State Transition Rules to Global Transition Probabilities and Back


Keyan Ghazi-Zahedi, joint work with Guido Montufar & Nihat Ay

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig

A Framework for Cheap Universal Approximation in Embodied Systems

Francesco Caravelli,

University College London

Reinforcement walkers vs. graph decay: scale-free networks as a self-organizing emergent phenomenon




Val K Bykovsky,

Virtek Research

Energy-Driven Molecular Sampling and its Competitive Guidance


Jochen Triesch,

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies

Active Efficient Coding

Guy Theraulaz,

Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse

From individual to collective information processing in fish schools

Wrap-Up (12:40)


J. Michael Herrmann,

University of Edinburgh

Self-Organisation of Deep Control

Oliver Obst, Andreea Lazar and Joschka Boedecker,

CSIRO ICT Centre, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt, University of Freiburg

Representations and Self-Organisation in Recurrent Networks


Christoph Salge, Cornelius Glackin and Daniel Polani,

University of Hertfordshire

Empowerment: a Route Towards the Three Laws of Robotics

Renato Duarte,

University of Freiburg

Synaptic adaptation stabilizes sequential stimulus representations





Mikhail Prokopenko and Joseph T. Lizier,

University of Sydney

Transfer Entropy and Transient Limits of Computation

René Doursat,

Complex Systems Institute, Paris

Morphogenetic Engineering in Swarm Robotics and Synthetic Biology


Paolo Perrone and Nihat Ay,

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig

Synergy as a Linear Operator

Yuri Shalygo,

Gamma Ltd, Vyborg

The Kinetic Basis of Morphogenesis


Tim Genewein and Daniel A. Braun,

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen

An information-theoretic optimality principle for the formation of abstractions

Linge Bai and David E. Breen,

Drexel University, Philadelphia

Directing Chemotaxis-Based Spatial Self-Organization via Biased, Random Initial Conditions




Regular talks (light green) are 20 mins + 5 mins Q&A