This is an archived version of the Machine Learning Lab website for documentation purposes. The host is in no way affiliated with the University of Freiburg, its Faculty of Engineering or any of its members.
Winter Term 2016/2017
- Vorlesung (Lecture): Reinforcement Learning / Optimierendes Lernen
- Praktikum (Lab course): Deep Learning Course, Control Section
- Oberseminar (Advanced Seminar, Reading Club): Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
- Masterprojekt: Decoding speech-related brain signals with recurrent neural networks
- Masterprojekt: Kernel approximation for large-scale Gaussian Processes
- Masterprojekt: Model Learning for locally optimal control of a humanoid robot
Previous Lectures
For a complete list of previous lectures and student projects please click here.
Finished Thesis Projects
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Spotlights of Recent Theses
Daniel Stratz: Khepera III Navigation mit internen Sensoren In dieser Arbeit soll eine Implementierung vorgestellt werden, die den Khepera möglichst genau entlang der Wand einer Testumgebung fahren lässt und hierbei die Ecken der Testumgebung erkennt und die Position dieser bestimmt. Bachelor Thesis Supervisors: Martin Riedmiller, Manuel Blum |
Jan Wülfing: Feature Learning for Music Classification In the area of music information retrieval, automatic categorization of music pieces into categories such as mood, artist or genre is a widely studied topic. Those categorization taks basically consist of two steps, feature selection/extraction and classification. In the past, a wide range of features have been proposed, most of them hand designed. More recently, there has been a growing interest in methods that learn those features from data. In his masters thesis, Jan works on a feature learning method that has been successfully used for object recognition in images, and investigates the applicability of this method for genre classification of music pieces. Master Thesis Supervisors: Martin Riedmiller |
Jeremias Holub: Approximate Dynamic Programming with a Fuzzy Parameterization In this thesis, Jeremias implements and analyzes Fuzzy Q-iteration, a Q-iteration algorithm with a fuzzy parameterization of the state space and a discretization of the action space. A Fuzzy Q-iteration controller is implemented using the open source software CLSquare. The performance is tested within a two-link manipulator control problem and is compared with other state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithms. Bachelor Thesis Supervisors: Manuel Blum, Martin Riedmiller |
Full List of Theses
Student | Title | Type | Completion |
Christopher Schröder | Sentimentanalyse deutschsprachiger Twitter-Nachrichten | Bachelor | 2014 |
Florian Geißer | General Game Playing under Uncertainty | Master | 2013 |
Markus Grützner | Detektion von Multis in MMO durch Analyse von Handelsaktivitäten | Master | 2013 |
Max Schumacher | A study of DFQ on playing pong | Bachelor | 2013 |
Denis Stier | Semantic Attachments for Decision-Theoretic Planning | Master | 2013 |
Jonas Delleske | Verbesserung des client-side Caching der Spielkarte im Browserspiel Wack-a-doo mit Techniken des Machine Learnings | Bachelor | 2013 |
Daniel Stratz | Khepera III Navigation mit internen Sensoren | Bachelor | 2013 |
Tatiana Jimenez Cardenas | Training Pose Specific Detectors | Master | 2013 |
Mesbahuddin Anwari | Learning binding preferences of RNA-binding proteins using in vitro affinities and in vivo binding sites | Master | 2012 |
Stefan Band | Ein KI-Ansatz für Strategiespiele | Bachelor | 2012 |
Urban Himmelsbach | Entwicklung eines autonom fahrenden Fahrzeugs | Master | 2012 |
Jost Tobias Springenberg | Feature Learning using Temporal Coherence | Master | 2012 |
Jan Manuel Wülfing | Unsupervised Feature Learning for Music Classification | Master | 2012 |
Martin Gloderer | Optimizing Sequences of Learned Movement Primitives Using Data Gathered from the Demonstrations | Master | 2012 |
Hadi Kheyruri | Ball Detection Based on Histogram of Features on an own collected Dataset for Soccer Robots | Master | 2012 |
Jeremias Holub | Implementierung eines approximativen Q-Iterationsalgorithmus mit einer unscharfen Parametrisierung | Bachelor | 2012 |
Dragos Alexandru Sorescu | De Novo Molecular Design Using Graph Kernels | Master | 2012 |
Johannes Andreas Stork | Learning Social Navigation Behaviors with Dynamic Features and Inverse Reinforcement Learning | Master | 2012 |
Jens Silva Santisteban | Socially Acceptable Robot Navigation: A Learning Approach | Master | 2012 |
Kiran Kumar Telukunta | Secondary structure motif determination in ncRNA via graph kernel based computational models | Master | 2012 |
Julian Schmid | Kontrollieren von Einheiten in Starcraft mit Reinforcement Lernen | Bachelor | 2012 |
Jörg Holschuh | Zustandskodierung für Reinforcement Learning mittels neuronaler Netze | Bachelor | 2012 |
Johannes Aldinger | Algorithms for the Canadian Traveler´s Problem with Remote Sensing | Master | 2011 |
Jan Peter Mattner | Application of Visual Deep Learning to a Real-World System | Bachelor | 2011 |
Manuel Meyer | Überwachtes Lernen in pixelbasierter Objekterkennung | Bachelor | 2011 |
Manuel Watter | Objektverfolgung mittels Reinforcement Learning am bewegten Kamerakopf | Bachelor | 2011 |
Nikolaus Mayer | Globale Explorationsstrategien | Bachelor | 2011 |
Li Zhang | RNA-Protein Interaction Prediction with Graph Kernels | Master | 2011 |
Elmar Haussmann | Contextual Sentence Decomposition with Applications to Semantic Full-Text Search | Master | 2011 |
Thomas Huber | Evaluation einer dateneffizienten neuronalen Lernmethode am Katana Roboterarm | Master | 2011 |
Thorsten Engesser | Generalisierendes Neural Fitted Q Learning im TORCS-Competition-Framework | Bachelor | 2011 |
Benedikt Mendorf | Analyse und Gegenüberstellung von selbstlernender neuronaler Reglern und PID-Reglern im pneumatischen Positionierungssystem | Bachelor | 2011 |
Philipp Blohm | Maschinelle Lernverfahren in Information Retrieval | Master | 2011 |
Oliver Mitevski | Semantic Indexing in Information Retrieval | Master | 2011 |
Alexandru-Dorin Oprea | Recommender System for Research Papers | Master | 2010 |
Roxana Dolores Bersan | Plan-based Control of Characters in Video Games | Master | 2010 |
Norman Kohler | Bewegungsplanung für autonome Luftschiffe | Diploma | 2010 |
Denis Stier | Einsatz von Reinforcment Learning zur Geschwindigkeitsregulierung in mikroskopischer Verkehrsimulation | Bachelor | 2010 |
Christian Lutz | Autonom lernende Agenten in Computerspielen: Anwendung von Reinforcement-Lernverfahren in Star Ships Learning Framework | Bachelor | 2010 |
Stefan Keller | Priorisierung von Lernzielen im Nebenfach Medizin für Informatiker | Diploma | 2010 |
Manuel Blum | Merkmalsextraktion bei Klassifikationsproblemen | Master | 2010 |
Thomas Lampe | Visual Servoing durch Neuronales Reinforcement Learning | Master | 2010 |
Andreas Witsch (Uni Kassel) | Policy Gradient Methods | Diploma | 2010 |
Jonas Gehring | Intelligente Objekterkennung für ein lernfähiges Carrerabahn-System | Bachelor | 2009 |
Nathan Franklin | Vision Based Navigation | Master | 2009 |
Hannes Schulz | Euclidean Embedding of Co-Proven Queries | Master | 2009 |
Matthias Laquai | Intelligente Steuerung autonomer Carrera-Rennwagen mittels Lernverfahren | Diploma | 2009 |
Jost Tobias Springenberg | Machine Learning on Massively Parallel Architectures - A Case Study | Bachelor | 2009 |
Philipp Blohm | Beurteilung von Stärken und Schwächen von neuroevolutionären Verfahren zum Einsatz im Bereich des Reinforcement Learnings | Bachelor | 2008 |
Manuel Blum | Klassifikation von Bilddaten mittels rekurrenter neuronaler Netze zur Steuerung eines Torwarts im Roboterfußball | Bachelor | 2008 |
Christian Müller | Reinforcement-Lernen mit Pac-Man | Bachelor | 2007 |
Sebastian Schnock | Implementation und Evaluation von Neuroevolution in CLS | Bachelor | 2007 |
Hussain Iqbal | Evolutionary Algorithm using neuro-evolutionary techniques in dynamic environment | Master | 2007 |
Michael Wiegand (FH Karlsruhe) | Vorhersage der Bewegung eines autonomen Roboters | Diploma | 2007 |
Tim Kitzmann | View-Based Object Recognition: A Biologically Motivated Approach using iGRLVQ | Bachelor | 2006 |
Andrea Albrecht | Erkennung und Klassifizierung von Objekten mit Neuronalen Netzen | Bachelor | 2007 |
Srinivas Gudipally | Survey: Approaches of Artificial Intelligence with the focus on Machine Learning within the RoboCup domain | Master | 2006 |
Andreas G. Nie | RoboPECS - Autonome Fußballfans im RoboCup Entwicklung eines Multiagentensystems zur Simulation von Fußballfans | Magister | 2005 |