This is an archived version of the Machine Learning Lab website for documentation purposes. The host is in no way affiliated with the University of Freiburg, its Faculty of Engineering or any of its members.

Summer Term 2016

Winter Term 2015/2016

Summer Term 2015

Winter Term 2014/15

  • Bachelorpraktikum: System Design Project
  • Masterpraktikum (mit Vorlesung): Advanced Machine Learning
  • Teamprojekt: Audi Autonomous Driving Cup
  • Masterprojekt Gaussian Processes
  • Reading Group: Advanced Machine Learning Topics
  • Reading Group: Deep Learning and Hyperparameter Optimization
  • Exam Machine Learning: 24.2.15, 9-11, SR 01-009/13, Bldg 101

Summer Term 2014

Winter Term 2013/2014

Lectures will be given by Dr. Lauer until Prof. Riedmiller returns from his sabbatical.

Summer Term 2013

Lectures will be given by Prof. Sperschneider until Prof. Riedmiller returns from his sabbatical.

Winter Term 2012/ 2013

Summer Term 2012

Winter Term 2011/2012

  • Sabbatical Prof. Riedmiller
  • Teamproject Tracker

Summer Term 2011

Winter Term 2010/2011

Summer Term 2010

Winter Term 2009/2010

Summer Term 2009

  • Special Lecture (Spezialvorlesung) Machine Learning
  • Seminar Machine Learning in Real-World Applications
  • Arbeitsgruppe RoboCup AG: Soccer Simulation League
  • Practical Course Machine Learning for Soccer Simulation
  • Oberseminar Deep Learning Architectures II